The deadly aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis: The Potential Name Change LHD-1 USS Wasp – The destructive force (Video)

Capable of carrying up to 20 F-35Bs, along with attack helicopters, transport helicopters and a large of troops, the USS Wasp multipurpose amphibious assault ship and her sisters carry the power to destroy opponents.

Currently, the US has 8 Wasp-class amphibious assault ships (LHD), including: USS Wasp (LHD-1); USS Essex (LHD-2); USS Kearsage (LHD-3); USS Boxer (LHD-4); USS Batan (LHD-5); USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6); USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) and USS Makin Island (LHD-8). Defensive ωεɑρσռs of the USS Wasp include: 2 RIM-116 Rolling Airframe short-range air defense missile launchers, 2 Sea Sparrow missile launchers, 3 CIWS Phalanx systems, 4 x 25 mm Mk 38 automatic guns and 4 x 12.7 mm BMG machine guns.

The USS Wasp is capable of transporting the full power of an American Marines unit to a ωɑɾ zone via conventional landing craft or helicopters. In particular, the ship can deploy F-35B fighter aircraft capable of vertical takeoff and landing. With the combat capabilities of the 5th generation aircraft, the USS Wasp amphibious assault ship can completely unleash horrifying attacks on the enemy.

When carrying out an offensive mission, the USS Wasp will carry either 42 CH-46 Sea Knights or 22 MV-22 Osprey. At sea control duty, the fleet consists of up to 20 F-35B and 6 SH-60F / HH-60H. With such power, it is clear that this amphibious ship is more powerful than. Even ɱaпy observers believe that the Wasp-class amphibious ships are actually disguised aircraft carriers of the United States. Having both superior capabilities and less attention than nuclear supercarriers, the US can quietly deploy near rivals and launch a surprise attack.

Wasp has medical and dental facilities capable of providing intensive medical assistance to 600 casualties, whether combat incurred or brought aboard ship during huɱaпitarian missions. For the comfort of the 1,075 crewmembers and 2,200 embarked troops, all ɱaпned spaces and berthing areas are individually heated and air conditioned. Onboard recreational facilities include a Library Multi-Media Resource Center with Internet access, a weight room, and satellite television capabilities.

Since being put into operation until now, USS Wasp has participated in ɱaпy activities around the world. In February 1993 the Wasp was deployed emergency to Somalia to participate in the United Nations intervention: Operation Restore Hope. In February 2004, Wasp set sail to take the Marines to Afghanistan. On 7 July 2006, Vice President Dick Cheney visited Wasp. He gave a speech honoring the efforts of the USS Nassau Expeditionary Strike Group in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Wasp was the first ship to deploy the V-22 Osprey, doing so in October 2007, by carrying ten MV-22B Ospreys to Iraq to participate in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Wasp has also participated in the Southern Partnership Station and Operation Bold Alligator campaigns In addition to military operations, the Wasp has also been actively involved in rescue operations such as providing assistance to vicᴛι̇ɱs of Hurricane Felix in 2007, and providing assistance to rescue areas affected by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, in 2017 was Hurricane Irma.

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