21 Medieval Torture Devices And Techniques

Medieval history is filled with gruesome tales of torture and punishment. From the Judas Cradle to the Head Crusher, these methods were designed to inflict excruciating pain on the victims. This article explores ten of the most horrifying medieval torture techniques used during the Middle Ages.

The Judas Cradle:
The Judas Cradle was a dreadful torture method that involved placing the victim on a pyramid-like seat. The victim’s feet were tied together, and any movement caused immense pain as the triangular end of the cradle was inserted into their anus or vagina. Victims endured this agony for hours to days, making it a truly horrifying experience.

The Coffin Torture:
The Coffin Torture was reserved for those who committed serious crimes such as blasphemy. Victims were confined within a coffin and left exposed to the sun while animals devoured their flesh. The duration of punishment varied based on the severity of the crime, amplifying the terror and suffering.

The Brazen Bull:
The Brazen Bull was an instrument of torture where victims were placed inside a bull-shaped structure. As the bull was heated, the victim inside would slowly burn to death. To intensify the horror, the Greeks even devised a system of tubes to make the victim’s screams resemble those of an enraged ox.

Scold’s Bridle:
Primarily used on women, the Scold’s Bridle was an iron muzzle that enclosed the head within an iron framework. A spike-studded bridle-bit pressed down on the tongue, causing immense pain and preventing the offender from speaking. This device was often used to punish women seen as witches, shrews, or scolds.

The Rack Torture:
The Rack Torture involved tying the victim’s limbs to ropes and slowly stretching their body. As the torturer turned the handle, the victim’s bones dislocated with a sickening crack. If the torment continued, the limbs could be torn apart, resulting in excruciating pain and permanent damage.

The Chair of Torture:
The Chair of Torture came in various forms, but all featured spikes covering the back, seat, and other parts. Victims would be restrained, and their wrists tied or pressed against armrests, ensuring the spikes pierced their flesh. Some versions even had holes beneath the seat for coal, causing severe burns.

The Pear of Anguish:
The Pear of Anguish was a pear-shaped device inserted into various orifices, depending on the alleged crime. As the torturer turned the screw, the four leaves of the “pear” slowly expanded, mutilating the victim. This sadistic instrument was used on women (vagina), homosexuals (anus), and liars/blasphemers (mouth).

The Rat Torture:
The Rat Torture was a cruel and inexpensive method of torture. Victims were restrained while rats were placed on their stomachs, covered by a heated container. The desperate rats sought an escape route, often digging through the victim’s body, causing unimaginable pain and resulting in death.

The Breast Ripper:
Reserved for punishing women accused of adultery or causing a miscarriage, the Breast Ripper was a barbaric instrument. Claws, heated or cold, were used to tear apart the victim’s exposed breasts, leaving them scarred for life if they survived. The pain inflicted by this device was both physical and emotional.

The Head Crusher:
One of the most notorious torture methods, the Head Crusher was favored during the Inquisition. By turning a screw, the torturer compressed the victim’s head, shattering their teeth, and eventually causing death. This excruciating process often led to the victim’s eyes being squeezed from

The Virgin of Nuremberg – A Chilling Confinement:
Known as “The Maiden,” this torture device involved a victim being tied inside a wooden structure with two doors. When one door was shut, strategically placed spikes penetrated the victim’s flesh without hitting vital organs. The closed Maiden prevented screams from being heard and eliminated any source of light or sound, intensifying the psychological torment. The wounds caused by the spikes were blocked, prolonging the victim’s agony for hours or even days.

The Spanish Tickler – A Gruesome Skin Tear:
Although its name might evoke a different image, the Spanish Tickler was a horrific instrument used throughout Europe during the Middle Ages. This simple yet brutal device was designed to tear a victim’s skin apart, leaving no bones or muscles spared. Completely defenseless and naked, the victim would endure public mutilation, starting with limbs and progressively moving to the chest, back, neck, and face.

The Garrotte Torture – Death by Asphyxia:
In this method, the victim was tied to a device with an iron collar that constricted around their neck. The executioner, using a handle attached to the device, slowly crushed the victim’s neck, causing death by asphyxia. This torturous execution method ensured a slow and agonizing demise for the unfortunate victims.

Flagellation Whipping – A Common Form of Punishment:
Flagellation, or whipping, was widely practiced in Rome and persisted during the Middle Ages, particularly in the military as a common form of punishment. The act involved mercilessly lashing the victim’s body with a whip, inflicting excruciating pain and leaving lasting scars as a reminder of their transgressions.

Pillory Torture – Public Humiliation and Danger:
The pillory was used to publicly shame and humiliate individuals. Although initially intended as a mild punishment, the crowd’s influence sometimes turned it into a lethal ordeal. Often serving as a post for flagellation, the pillory rendered the victim defenseless, subjecting them to the mercy of the enraged onlookers.

The Wheel Torture – Bones Crushed, Birds Feeding:
The Wheel, also known as the Breaking Wheel, involved tying the victim’s limbs to the spokes and slowly rotating the wheel. The torturer would strike the victim’s exposed body parts between the spokes with an iron hammer or club, shattering their bones. Left on the wheel to die, some victims were even placed on tall poles to become a gruesome feast for birds while still alive.

Thumbscrew Torture – Crushing Fingers for Confessions:
This instrument targeted the victim’s fingers, gradually crushing them as the torturer turned the handle. The thumbscrew was primarily used to extract confessions due to its intense and enduring pain.

The Heretics Fork – Silent Agony:
Comprising two forks set against each other, the Heretics Fork pierced the flesh under the chin and upper chest. This device deliberately avoided vital points, prolonging the victim’s suffering while preventing any further speech or neck movement. With their hands tied behind their back, escape was impossible, and a small collar supported the fork, forcing the victim to keep their head upright.

The Heretics Fork – This instrument is composed of two forks placed in opposite directions, with one end penetrating the flesh under the chin and the other end penetrating the upper chest. Designed to avoid causing fatal injuries and prolonging pain, the Heretics Fork did not target vital points. To prevent escape, the victim’s hands were tied behind their back. After a confession, the Heretics Fork was employed to restrict speech and neck movement, ensuring that the victim’s words could no longer be heard. In the accompanying image, you can observe a small collar supporting the fork, forcing the victim to keep their head upright.

The Knee Splitter – Despite its name suggesting a focus on knee-related torture, this instrument was also utilized on other body parts such as elbows, arms, and lower legs. As the torturer turned the handle, the claws of the knee splitter gradually closed in on each other, causing severe damage to the skin caught in between. The number of spikes on the knee splitter varied, ranging from three to over twenty.

The Almighty Crocodile Shears – The crocodile shears served a specific purpose: mutilating individuals who attempted to assassinate the king. Its internal structure resembled a tube with numerous spikes on both ends. While it was occasionally employed to mutilate fingers, its primary function involved mutilating a man’s genitals, specifically the penis.

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