Rescued and Adopted: Law Enforcement Gives a Home to Abandoned Dog Found Alone in the Rain

On a chilly, rainy afternoon, a fateful encounter unfolded between NYPD Officer Michael Pascale and a small black dog named Joey. Officer Pascale was on patrol in a public park when he spotted Joey hiding amidst discarded needles and broken bottles, his presence barely noticeable.

Wrapped around Joey’s neck was a heavy chain, fastened to a fence, leaving him wet, shivering, and abandoned. Officer Pascale shared, “He’s just looking up at me with these ‘Help Me’ eyes. I needed to get him out of here.” A determination to rescue the helpless creature formed in his mind.

Driven by his compassion for animals, Officer Pascale transported Joey to the Animal Care Centers of NYC shelter in Brooklyn. As he dried off the grateful pup with a towel, a unique bond began to develop between them. “I don’t see an animal,” Pascale reflected, “I discern a soul. And I don’t steer clear of that.”

He promptly sent a picture of the abandoned dog to his wife, who didn’t hesitate to say, “Bring him home!” The couple agreed to adopt Joey, ready to overcome any obstacles that lay ahead.

Officer Pascale was informed by the ACC that Joey would have to undergo a mandatory 72-hour stray hold. This precautionary measure was taken to give any potential distressed owners a chance to reclaim their lost pet. Pascale pledged to return, despite the heart-wrenching goodbyes, and true to his word, he showed up the next day, and the day after that. Their connection grew stronger with each meeting.

When the stray hold period concluded, Pascale joyfully adopted Joey. The paperwork was completed, and as they bid each other farewell outside the shelter, Joey showered Pascale with affectionate kisses. With a solemn promise to shield Joey from further mistreatment or neglect, they embarked on a new chapter together.

From a once starving and fearful stray, Joey transformed into a cherished companion. He now accompanies his father on exploratory tours of New York City and lounges on the couch with his devoted mother. Although Officer Pascale humorously notes that Joey is a “Mama’s Boy,” the dog isn’t without his quirks. He’s not a fan of rainy weather and occasionally gets into the trash. Nevertheless, his overall happiness shines through, as seen on his Instagram account @JoeyGoodDoggo, inspiring others with his story of resilience and love.

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