Amazing Photos Taken By Pilot From His Cockpit Will Leave You Breathless


As a pilot, you get to see many breathtaking sights from above. As a pilot for a South American airline, you get to witness the breathtaking storm phenomenon because your job requires you to fly over areas where they occur.

Meet Santiago Borja Lopez, a pilot with Ecuador Airlines based in Quito, Ecuador. When he isn’t flying, the pilot always has his camera with him to capture the breathtaking sights he sees in the sky. His photographs are truly breathtaking, capturing everything from incredible storms to lightning bolts. Scroll down to see and follow Santiago’s Instagram journey. We have more information about one of Santiago’s shots in an earlier article.

‘A Colossal Cumulonimbus Flashes Over The Pacific Ocean As We Circulate Around It At 37000 Feet En Route To South America,’ says the pilot.


‘I’ve Never Seen Lightning Like This One’


Night Flashes, Atlantic Ocean


An Unsettling Storm Over Panama City


The Night Sky




Tormenta, Venezuelan Coast, South America


Flying over Colombian Amazonia, preparing to enter Ecuadorian airspace and descend over the Andes into Guayaquil.


Tormenta, Venezuelan Coast, South America


Super Moon, Mooning Around, At 2,900m In Quito, Ecuador


This Great Cumulonimbus Is Discharging Its Power Over Colombian Rainforest, Looking Like A Nuclear Explosion’


This Great Cumulonimbus Is Discharging Its Power Over Colombian Rainforest, Looking Like A Nuclear Explosion’


Guayaquil, Ecuador, Soaring


Ecuador’s and Colombia’s Amazonia


A Storm in the Colombian Amazon


A Storm in the Colombian Amazon


Cloud City, Quito, Ecuador


Blinding Storm


Ecuador’s Orbit in an Unknown Atmosphere


The Orbit of Ecuador in an Unknown Atmosphere


One Of Those Clear Days Over Miami


Fierce, Guayaquil, Ecuador


Storm Hour, Amazonia, South America


Cruising Out, Quito, Ecuador

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