Crocodiles struggled to catch huge thorny prey but got caught between their teeth, the result was surprising
Not long ago, photographer Phil Lanoue was with his wife on vacation in Huntington Beach, Southern California when he happened to capture an interesting scene when a giant alligator was trying to mangrove horseshoe crab.
The crocodile was depressed, had nothing to eat when suddenly a mangrove horseshoe crab in front of it. Without a doubt, this is the best news for alligators.
The crocodile must have been delighted to have caught such a meal, but its tail was caught between the crab’s spiked legs. Immediately, it must release its prey, dropping it into the water.
mangrove horseshoe crab have a protective shell, so crocodiles are difficult to consume. At first glance, the horsehair crab resembles a fallen leaf.
mangrove horseshoe crab was constantly struggling with its sharp legs, while the crocodile could not close its mouth. During the process of chewing and swallowing prey, the large crocodile was stabbed by the crab’s exoskeleton in the mouth and tongue, causing it to be extremely painful. Will the crocodile give up?
But by his instincts, the crocodile finally won over the horsehair crab. After all, how could it possibly be worthy of the title of “swamp king” if it had given up?
Photographer Phil Lanoue shared that he felt very interesting and surprised when he witnessed the crocodile swallow the mangrove horseshoe crab reluctantly. Despite the unpalatable prey, the crocodile still tried to find something to fill its empty stomach.
mangrove horseshoe crab, scientifically known as Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda, are so named for their hard, horseshoe-shaped shell, which is divided into three parts: cephalothorax, abdomen, and head. The whole body is located on the abdomen, with 6 pairs of cheliped at the cephalothorax and 6 pairs of ambulance legs in the abdomen. Big eyes in the back. It can be greenish-brown, dark yellow, or gray. Horsehair crabs have the ability to grow into giants.
The image of a crocodile’s meal reminds us of the present life. In life, we do not always meet moments of luck, happiness, and peace in the face of difficulties and unhappiness. They are a part of life, and do not always bring joy or happiness.
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