Discovering Atlantis: Archaeological Proof of a Lost Civilisation

The long-lost continent of Atlantis has been the subject of several myths and legends that date back thousands of years. Of course, its reality is still up for question. Some people think the tale is only an allegory designed to illustrate Plato’s ideal civilization, while others think it’s true and one day the continent will be discovered. In his dialogues Timmius and Kritikas, Plato tells the tale of Atlantis and characterizes the Atlanteans as great warriors who lived in a realm larger than Libya.

All of this took place around 9500 BC. Shortly after the defeat, both the Greeks and the Atlanteans suffered an unexpected cataclysm that quickly submerged their lands and condemned them to history. It is obvious that finding the remains of the land that now resides on the ocean floor will not be easy but the search continues to this day and there are still many unanswered questions.

For many ancient mystery searchers, a lifelong endeavor Knowing where to seek is one of the major challenges in finding these forgotten regions. We could think that atlantis is ubiquitous if we just glance at the theories that have been advanced in the past 100 years. Although the entire world has been mapped, it is a little-known fact that radar does not work well underwater, so we rely on ships equipped with multi-beam radar to find the location of the once-powerful atlanteans. Some of the locations suggested as their home include antarctica, the sahara desert, crete, and northern Europe.

It’s exciting to imagine what might be found in the next few decades as even if we add up their total contribution it only accounts for five percent of the world’s oceans we still don’t know what could be resting on the remaining ninety-five percent of the oceans. Recently, long-forgotten lands have been found hidden on the ocean floor at Bayer in Italy, Atiltyam in Israel, and Heraklion in Egypt to name a few.

An improved fascinating finding of buried lands was made in 2013 off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. When dredging in the Rio Grande Elevation, geologists for the Geological Survey of Brazil discovered some quite unusual granite samples. Lead geologist Roberto Ventura Santos says the granite samples show this location was formerly above water and that a continent once existed between Africa and South America before the lands drifted apart more than 100 million years ago.

While this may not be the atlantis described by Plato, it does demonstrate that large land masses can exist hundreds of miles off the coast and go undetected. However, for a lucky break, we need to consider what would happen if the rio de janeiro coastline were to suddenly disappear. Ventura santos later dubbed the discovery the brazilian atlantis. The theory was strengthened when a Japanese team using a human crude submersible found a giant massive granite and

Remain a mystery or could be attributable to a far later civilisation. Let’s take a look at what happened in 2013 off the Portuguese coast of the Azores. The story begins with Portuguese sailor Diocletiano Silva, who was fishing off the coast of Tetseira in the Azores archipelago when he noticed some incredibly strange readings coming from his navigation equipment. This data is obtained using an echo sounder, which sends sound waves to the ocean floor and measures the time it takes for the sound to return to reveal the depth, size, and shape of

Then digitized to create digital terrain models and topographic information. Researchers have highlighted that the construction is exactly square and orientated by cardinal points, and that the data revealed that Silver had just sailed his yacht over a colossal pyramid that was nearly 197 feet high and had an 8 000 square foot base. If you’re curious in how academics came to the conclusion that this pyramid is at least 4,000 years older than previously thought, this knowledge quickly spurred conjecture in some circles that it might be an atlantean artifact dating back 20,000 years.

There are alternative beliefs that this area submerged with Atlantis, however it is extremely implausible that the pyramid was submerged and preserved for so long. This area was last above water when it was possibly 20,000 years old. The Portuguese military initially described the discovery as nothing more than a volcanic mound, which sparked claims of a cover-up but also the theory that a submerged pyramid had been discovered. It may not be too difficult to believe in the Azores because 140 have been found on the island of Pico. The archaeologists also claim that the pico pyramids are up to 13 meters tall and predate the arrival of the Portuguese by thousands of years. Nuno Ribeiro and Anabella Quinito’s relationship in the archaeological record shows that they had


In North Africa, similar constructions have also been discovered. Sicily and the Canary Islands are examples of ancient sites where pyramids were built, indicating that these areas were inhabited thousands of years ago. The azores are a group of nine islands located 1500 kilometers west of Lisbon, which is the westernmost point of the

We cannot ignore the fact that this location does match up quite well with Plato’s description; the dialogue states that Atlantis could be found in the Atlantic Pelagos in front of the Pillars of Hercules, which is exactly where the Azores are. However, what could have sunk the entire island in less than a day?



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