Double Love: Identical Twin Sisters Marry Identical Twin Brothers and Welcome Babies

Identical Twin Sisters Marry Identical Twin Brothers: Meet Their Babies

In a heartwarming tale of love and family, identical twin sisters Briana and Brittany, aged 35, embarked on a unique journey by marrying identical twin brothers, Josh and Jeremy Salyers, both 37. Now, they are proudly introducing the world to their extraordinary infants, who share a genetic bond so profound that they’re not just cousins but more like brothers.

The Salyers’ story takes an unusual turn with their two sons, Jett, who celebrated his first birthday in January, and Jax, set to turn one in April, leading to some baffling family dynamics. These adorable cousins are also genetic siblings due to their shared condition.


Explaining their remarkable situation, Brittany Salyers said, “They were born to identical twin parents less than nine months apart. Twins married to twins who both have babies at the same time.”

Because identical twins possess identical DNA, the offspring of two sets of identical twins are legally classified as cousins but are more genetically similar to siblings. It’s a scenario that has left many scratching their heads but underscores the unique genetic connection.


“We hoped that our pregnancies would overlap so that this would be possible. We believed it would be very interesting,” Briana shared. Notably, there have been only 300 documented quaternary marriages in world history.

The sisters proudly captioned a photo of their adorable sons Jett and Jax on Instagram, saying, “Cousins, genetic brothers, and quaternary twins.”


Married on August 5, 2018, the two couples now call the same Virginia residence home. Living under one roof has not only solidified the bond between Brittany, Briana, Josh, and Jeremy but has also created an extraordinary sense of family unity.

Surprising as their shared pregnancy may seem to some, the sisters disclosed to Australia’s Today program that it was a carefully planned endeavor. When asked if they scheduled their love-making sessions to align their pregnancies, Brianna humorously admitted, “Ideally, the timing had to be really fantastic.”

“It’s something we both wanted to experience together,” Brittany added.

Their journey is a testament to the power of family bonds and the unique paths love can take. Having shared countless milestones throughout their lives, including birthdays, getting driver’s licenses, graduations, and their joint weddings, becoming mothers at the same time felt like the natural next step.

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