Eɡурt brеаktһrоuɡһ: 𝖵аѕt Fоrɡоttеn ⅬаƄуr𝗂ntһ Fоunԁ 𝖴nԁеrɡrоunԁ 𝗂n 𝖧аⱳаrа

This is one of Egypt’s most mysterious archaeological finds because it has been discovered and investigated, but its specific results have so far been kept secret.

There is strong evidence of a massive subterranean megalithic construction under Egypt’s Hawara necropolis. These pieces of evidence are based on information from many radar sweeps in the region conducted by the Mataha Expedition in collaboration with the University of Ghent in Belgium and other government agencies

Many antiquity writers and chroniclers have referred to Egypt’s so-called Labyrinth, which is thought to be a massive structure and likely the key to proving the presence of a civilization that predates other ancient societies whose ruins can be seen in the vicinity.

Of all the authors who referenced the labyrinth, Herodotus stands out as the only one who claimed to have seen the subterranean construction with his own eyes and whose account is just astonishing. We’ll leave you with this intriguing passage from Herodotus’ Fragments of Histories, Book II:
I’ve seen some amazing stuff. If someone gathered all the Greek buildings and showed all of their labor together, it would appear to be less effort and money than this labyrinth. Even the pyramids pale in comparison to this magnificent accomplishment.

And, while I talk about the lesser rooms because of what I’ve heard from others, I’ve seen the higher ones for myself, and they all exceed the human effort.
Hawara’s Mysterious Underground Labyrinth

A two-story labyrinth was what Herodotus was alluding about. One features massive stone roofing, while the other is subterranean. There have even been attempts to recreate the labyrinth as it was during Herodotus’ day.

The designs of Italian archaeologist Canina and a visual reconstruction by Egyptologist and German scholar Athanasius Kircher, author of noteworthy works, are among them. The two levels of the labyrinth are highlighted in these depictions.

Returning to the present, the Mahata expedition has revealed the results of the radar, which reveal the subsurface presence of many holes in the shape of a grid beneath the dunes of the Hawara Necropolis. Here’s an excerpt from one of the expedition’s final reports: A massive grid-shaped structure constructed of a high-strength material, perhaps granitic stone, appears beneath the surface of artificial stone, despite the impression being somewhat distorted by the presence of groundwater, at a depth of between 8 and 12 meters.

We’re talking about the discovery of a massive archaeological building under the Petrie region, which must be regarded as the ceiling of the still-existing labyrinth.

But why hasn’t it been excavated yet? It is true that it has been six years since this discovery. It’s hard to believe, but Dr. Zahi Hawass prevented members of the Mataha expedition from publishing any details about their discovery until additional information became available. However, because the inquiry was never completed, the expedition has decided to make these fascinating findings available on their website. Unfortunately, the Hawara pyramid is now inundated with rainwater and dirt, making the labyrinth likely to be as well. In addition, a waterway has been constructed in the region, dividing it into two halves.

Today, we wonder if this discovery is definite proof of a vanished civilisation or if it is simply another necropolis akin to Zoser’s, but larger. Whatever it was, it should’ve been looked into. Shortly after the discovery, the Egyptian government, through the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, entirely concealed the find, declaring any mention of it a matter of national security. What possible rationale could there be for keeping this place hidden from the public unless doing so would call into question long-held historical beliefs?

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